After 12 hours in the air, Benjamin looks over at me with a smile and says, "Dad this isn't much different than home." On the one hand, the trip in the air was going much better than expected. The boys were entertained with borrowed Nintendo DS's, and the plane had any number of movies and video games on the screens in front of each seat. On the other hand it was very convicting, because it reminded me of how in everyday life we have found a way to distract ourselves with meaningless things so as to lose what should be most important.
My own plans had been to read a couple of book, and do some studying in God's word. We were going to be in the air for 21 hrs, and in the airports for another 8. More than one day worth of time, and given that I got very little accomplished. The plane was dark which made for a convenient excuse not to read even though a light was a button away. Also, they had any number of new and old movies to distract me and entertain me. But really it was just easier. Yes I was tired and didn't sleep but maybe 4 naps of less than an hour, but as I said before they were excuses.
Maybe Ben was right, the plane is just like home. How many times have I had time to meet with God, and instead I found something else to do. As a pastor that might mean "ministry" or good ole fashion work for God, but what should be the most important things like my relationship with God first, then my family, and with those around me, becomes time lost to NFL, Burn Notice, and the internet.
The worst part is we think instead of going to God with our problems, and spending time daily in His word and on our knees, and making time to worship him with a body of believers, our lives will be better and far easier just to distract ourselves from what's going on.
What is distracting you?
Daniel Scott
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