A few months ago when we started talking about this trip with my boys, My oldest son Benjamin found a World Vision Catalog. In it for Christmas you could give monetary gifts that would be used to buy livestock such as Goats, cows, and chickens for those who it could become a sustainable source of food and income. He began to ask questions, and at one point looked up and said dad we can get 4 chickens and a goat for $50. I almost have $50 in my bank, can I help? (He really only had about half) I was very proud that he recognized and desired to help. But as Christmas came up, and new toys came out, he found himself wanting to spend his money on those things as well. The battle that we all deal with of wanting things for ourselves and giving to others had already begun.
Rewind to the summer and I get a call from my wife who was at a Women of Faith Conference. Although we were already supporting two children on a monthly basis, one from World Vision, and one from Compassion, she felt like we needed to support some more. There were so many children who needed help. After discussing what to do, and with the current financial place we were in, it came down to the question what were we willing to give up. Mindy immediately said our weekly eating out at Chick-Fil-A.
Now this was our families favorite place, and almost a sacred time we set aside with the family. I have loved Chick-Fil-A since working there as a teenager, and the kids loved their food and playing. Since kids ate free on Mondays, we could feed all 6 of us for $20. By cutting that out, the $80 we saved a month could support 2 more children. Once again I appreciated my wife being willing to give something up she enjoyed for a kingdom goal. (My children also gave it up, but they didn't have a choice this time :)
All of this really has me thinking about how often in my life I rarely sacrifice anything. When I made alot of money I gave alot, but I could afford to give. I still had everything I wanted and more. It wasn't really much of a sacrifice. Our culture has so influenced The Church and Christian philosophy. I see everywhere in scripture where following God meant sacrifice. But we as believers have set it up differently. Instead of sacrificing our resources of time, money, and gaining true joy as God intended, we have exchanged the Biblical model for what makes us comfortable.
Those who have extra time serve. We create our schedule according to our desires, and then fit the things of God around the schedule. Men, how often do we give up watching the big game, or those hobbies we love like golf, to go to prayer meeting (For our church it's Tuesday nights at 7:00 in the offices), or serve with the youth (Wednesdays at 7:00). Women what in your schedule do you have that you can give up? (Don't say your kids lol :) What if instead of finding time to serve God, we made time by sacrificing something else.
Those who have money give, but not often sacrificially. Giving of our resources is hard enough in itself, but are you giving out of abundance, or does it ever hurt.
During the last month I reminded Ben he had to decide whether he wanted a new toy or give to those we were visiting. He vacillated back and forth, probably like we all do. Finally he decided he would buy a $10 soccer ball for the village which was about half of what he had. Reluctantly at first, my youngest son decided to followed suit. I was proud of them, but I wasn't going to make a decision for them.
At the same time, watching them reminded me of all the decisions I make on a daily basis. This life is difficult, and I am selfish. We are offered so many choices, and most of the time I still find myself choosing what's in my best interest, and makes me most comfortable.
So I'm asking you the same questions I'm asking myself. What has God asked you to give up for His service? If it's not really costing you much, you probably need to ask the question again!
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